• 최종편집 2024-12-04(수)

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  • [Culture] Colorado Ballet, Cinderella "Dance of Happiness"
    (Denver = Wongeol Jeong) It was a warm evening in early spring. On the gentle breeze, the scent of spring rode in. Following the warm wind, spring came to my heart as well. The Colorado Ballet performed "Cinderella." Ellie Caulkins Opera House was bustling with many people. I was able to truly experience the reputation of the Colorado Ballet. The performance began with Cinderella, her stepmother, and two stepsisters. The Colorado Ballet portrayed this scene comically. It was very different from the sad feeling I had when reading the fairy tale book. Whenever Cinderella's stepsisters appeared, the audience burst into laughter. The plot of the performance was not much different from the fairy tale "Cinderella." The only difference was that the two stepsisters were portrayed in a very comical way. Dana Benton and Yosvani Ramos' acting and dance skills stood out in this performance. The ballerina and ballerino were depicting "Cinderella" on stage with all their might. Especially the scene where the prince and Cinderella dance together at the end was amazing. The beautiful and graceful dance, like two swans, made the audience involuntarily marvel. The happiness of Cinderella and the prince flowed to the audience. And... Spring was coming. This ballet, composed by Sergei Prokofiev, was choreographed by Ben Stevenson. Colorado Ballet's Cinderella is scheduled to be performed at Ellie Caulkins Opera House until the 19th.
    • 연예가소식
  • [Culture] Colorado Ballet, Cinderella ‘행복의 춤’
    (Denver = Wongeol Jeong) 초봄의 따뜻한 저녁이었다. 미풍을 타고 봄 내음이 흘러왔다. 따뜻한 바람을 따라, 내 마음에도 봄이 오고 있었다. Colorado Ballet는 ‘Cinderella’를 공연했다. Ellie Caulkins Opera House에는 많은 사람들로 붐비고 있었다. Colorado Ballet의 명성을 실감할 수 있었다. 공연은 신데렐라와 계모, 그리고 두 명의 새 언니를 시작으로 막을 올렸다. Colorado Ballet는 이 장면을, 코믹하게 그려내고 있었다. 동화책에서 읽었던 때의 슬픈 느낌과는 많이 달랐다. 신데렐라의 새 언니들이 등장할 때 마다, 관객들이 웃음을 터트리고 있었다. 공연의 줄거리는 동화 ‘신데렐라’와 많이 다르지 않았다. 다른 점이 있다면, 두 명의 새 언니를 굉장히 코믹하게 그려냈다는 점이다. 이 공연에서 Dana Benton과 Yosvani Ramos의 연기력과 춤 선이 돋보였다. 발레리나와 발레리노는 혼신을 다해 무대 위에서 ‘신데렐라’를 그려내고 있었다. 특히 마지막, 왕자와 신데렐라가 함께 춤을 추는 장면이 압권이었다. 마치 두 마리의 백조처럼 아름답고 우아한 춤이, 보는 이로 하여금 저절로 감탄을 자아내게 만들고 있었다. 신데렐라와 왕자의 행복이, 보는 이에게로 흘러들어오고 있었다. 그리고... 봄이 오고 있었다. Sergei Prokofiev가 작곡한 이 발레극은, Ben Stevenson이 안무했다. Colorado Ballet의 Cinderella는 오는 19일 까지 Ellie Caulkins Opera House에서 공연될 예정이다.
    • 연예가소식
  • [세계] 용진 캠프 '파나마, 아사도르' 무엇이든 할 수 있다는 마음으로...
    ( Denver=Wongeol jeong) 세계여행을 주제로 유튜브 및 아프리카 컨텐츠를 진행하고 있는, 용진 캠프가, 파나마 아사도르에서 본지와 인터뷰를 진행했다. 최근 '무엇이든 할 수 있다는 마음으로'라는 제목의 책을 출판한 '용진 캠프'는, 어린 시절 우울증, 강박증 등의 문제를, 아프리카 여행 컨텐츠로 극복한 이야기를 책으로 출판해 화제를 모으고 있다. 현재 용진 캠프는 남미 파나마 아사도르에 머무르며, 남미의 매력을 전하고 있다. 현재, 102개국을 10년 여간 여행한 용진 캠프는 '가장 기억에 남는 여행지'로 '아이슬란드'를 추천했다. '특별히 추천하고 싶은 아이슬란드의 여행지가 있는지'라는 질문에 대해, 용진 캠프는 '아이슬란드의 모든 곳이 다 기억에 남았다'라면서 아이슬란드를 극찬하는 모습을 보였다. 용진 캠프는, 현재 파나마에 있으며, 다음 여행지는 파나마 북부를 거쳐, 코스타리카로 향할 계획이다. 세계여행을 계획하고 있거나 꿈꾸고 있는 독자재현이 있다면, 용진 캠프의 새 책 '무엇이든 할 수 있다는 마음으로'를 탐독할 것을 추천한다.
    • 연예가소식
  • [연예] 임창정, 무엇을 잘못했나?!
    가수 임창정이 코로나 19 PCR 검사에서 양성 판정을 받았다. 지난 9일, 임창정은 방송 출연을 위해 코로나 19 PCR 검사를 받았고, 여기에서 양성 판정을 받아 논란이 일고 있다. 이번 논란에서 임창정은 코로나 19 백신 접종을 하지 않았다는 사실도 밝혀졌다. 일부에서는 이번 논란에 대해 '백신 접종도 하지 않고, 신곡 발표를 위해 많은 방송에 출연했나?' 라는 비난이 일고 있다. 또 다른 일각에서는 '백신 접종과 별도로, 임창정은 활동 당시, PCR 검사를 실시했고, 그때마다 음성 판정이 나와, 정부 지침을 잘 따랐으므로 특별히 비난할 것이 없다'는 입장도 있다. 한편 이번 사건에 대해 이지훈의 소속사에서는 성명문을 통해 '임창정은 결혼식장에서 마스크를 착용했고, 축가 이후 잠시 자리에 머무른 뒤 이동한 것으로 확인했다'면서 '현재까지 추가 확진자는 없다'고 못박았다. 현재 임창정은 지난 1일 '별 거 없던 그 하루로'로 활동을 시작했고, 이후 후속곡 '나는 트로트가 싫어요'로 활동을 계획하고 있었다.
    • 연예가소식
  • [NDK 2021] Space tin Knight
    (Denver-Wongeol Jeong) Nan Desu Kan is came back. At Gaylord Rockies Resort in Aurora Colorado, 2021 NDK(Nan Desu Kan) is being held. Under the COVID19 situation, organazation requires wearing mask during the NDK. So, every costume players wearing their unique mask. The masks making 2021 NDK more special. By wearing mask, 2021 NDK became safe and unique event of this year.
    • 연예가소식
  • [NDK 2021] Ultimate Deadpool
    (Denver-Wongeol Jeong) Nan Desu Kan is came back. At Gaylord Rockies Resort in Aurora Colorado, 2021 NDK(Nan Desu Kan) is being held. Under the COVID19 situation, organazation requires wearing mask during the NDK. So, every costume players wearing their unique mask. The masks making 2021 NDK more special. By wearing mask, 2021 NDK became safe and unique event of this year.
    • 연예가소식

실시간 연예가소식 기사

  • [Event] The Roaring Twenties Will Come to Life at Denver's Ritz-Carlton
    (Denver = David Jeong) The Ritz-Carlton Denver will bring the Roaring Twenties back to life with its New Year’s Eve party on December 31, 2024. The party is a nationally acclaimed event that is consistently ranked as one of the top New Year’s Eve parties in Denver. The party will be held in the elegant atmosphere of the Ritz-Carlton Denver and themed around the Roaring Twenties. The event will be filled with guests dressed in timeless attire and art deco decorations. The party will feature a variety of entertainment, including live bands, dynamic DJs, and dramatic performances. Flappers, ballroom dance exhibitions, and over 30 performers will be on hand to help create a lively atmosphere. VIP ticket holders will be able to enjoy exclusive experiences, such as a speakeasy dance club, casino gaming, and dedicated bars. The party will reach its climax with a spectacular countdown and balloon drop at midnight on December 31. Guests will all enjoy the night celebrating the start of the new year. For more information and to purchase tickets, visit: Denver New Year’s Gatsby’s White Rose Gala: www.newyearspartydenver.com
    • 연예가소식
  • [Culture] A good vibe from 'Spelling bees'
    (Denver = Wongeol Jeong) "A good vibe." The Heavyweights Present is back with another comedy, called "The 25th Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee." Music such as William Finn's "Magic Foot," "The I Love You Song," and "My Unfortunate Erection" will delight your ears. Interestingly, this comedic musical features three adults portraying six children. Watching adults imitate the different speech and behaviors of children is another attraction of this musical. The sight of adults wearing shirts when playing male characters and skirts when playing female characters caused the audience to burst into laughter. Personally, the song "Goodbye" stands out in my memory because it sounded like "Good Vibe." It actually was. It was truly a musical with a "good vibe." If you want to have a fun time laughing with your family, I highly recommend this musical.
    • 연예가소식
  • [Culture] Colorado Ballet presents 'Master Works' performance, showcasing 'restrained beauty'
    (Denver = Wongeol Jeong) Colorado Ballet has been performing 'Master Works' at The Ellie Caulkins Opera House in Denver from the 14th to the 23rd. This performance features the top ballerinas and ballerinos of Colorado Ballet. Dana Benton, Asuka Sasaki, Jonnathan Ramirez, and Christophor Moulton decorated the opening stage. In the first part, Dana and Asuka showcased the perfected beauty of restrained movements. The clean movements and graceful lines exuded even without trying too hard. It was a piece that explains what traditional "ballet" is in one go, displaying the beauty that can be achieved after practicing the basics thousands and tens of thousands of times. The second and third parts were followed by experimental contemporary dances. The performance, which was made up of various stories and choreography, made the audience think about dance and art once again. The expressions created through the body were more genuine and persuasive than words. Colorado Ballet is scheduled to perform 'Swan lake' starting from October.
    • 연예가소식
  • [Culture] Colorado Ballet, Cinderella "Dance of Happiness"
    (Denver = Wongeol Jeong) It was a warm evening in early spring. On the gentle breeze, the scent of spring rode in. Following the warm wind, spring came to my heart as well. The Colorado Ballet performed "Cinderella." Ellie Caulkins Opera House was bustling with many people. I was able to truly experience the reputation of the Colorado Ballet. The performance began with Cinderella, her stepmother, and two stepsisters. The Colorado Ballet portrayed this scene comically. It was very different from the sad feeling I had when reading the fairy tale book. Whenever Cinderella's stepsisters appeared, the audience burst into laughter. The plot of the performance was not much different from the fairy tale "Cinderella." The only difference was that the two stepsisters were portrayed in a very comical way. Dana Benton and Yosvani Ramos' acting and dance skills stood out in this performance. The ballerina and ballerino were depicting "Cinderella" on stage with all their might. Especially the scene where the prince and Cinderella dance together at the end was amazing. The beautiful and graceful dance, like two swans, made the audience involuntarily marvel. The happiness of Cinderella and the prince flowed to the audience. And... Spring was coming. This ballet, composed by Sergei Prokofiev, was choreographed by Ben Stevenson. Colorado Ballet's Cinderella is scheduled to be performed at Ellie Caulkins Opera House until the 19th.
    • 연예가소식
  • [Culture] Colorado Ballet, Cinderella ‘행복의 춤’
    (Denver = Wongeol Jeong) 초봄의 따뜻한 저녁이었다. 미풍을 타고 봄 내음이 흘러왔다. 따뜻한 바람을 따라, 내 마음에도 봄이 오고 있었다. Colorado Ballet는 ‘Cinderella’를 공연했다. Ellie Caulkins Opera House에는 많은 사람들로 붐비고 있었다. Colorado Ballet의 명성을 실감할 수 있었다. 공연은 신데렐라와 계모, 그리고 두 명의 새 언니를 시작으로 막을 올렸다. Colorado Ballet는 이 장면을, 코믹하게 그려내고 있었다. 동화책에서 읽었던 때의 슬픈 느낌과는 많이 달랐다. 신데렐라의 새 언니들이 등장할 때 마다, 관객들이 웃음을 터트리고 있었다. 공연의 줄거리는 동화 ‘신데렐라’와 많이 다르지 않았다. 다른 점이 있다면, 두 명의 새 언니를 굉장히 코믹하게 그려냈다는 점이다. 이 공연에서 Dana Benton과 Yosvani Ramos의 연기력과 춤 선이 돋보였다. 발레리나와 발레리노는 혼신을 다해 무대 위에서 ‘신데렐라’를 그려내고 있었다. 특히 마지막, 왕자와 신데렐라가 함께 춤을 추는 장면이 압권이었다. 마치 두 마리의 백조처럼 아름답고 우아한 춤이, 보는 이로 하여금 저절로 감탄을 자아내게 만들고 있었다. 신데렐라와 왕자의 행복이, 보는 이에게로 흘러들어오고 있었다. 그리고... 봄이 오고 있었다. Sergei Prokofiev가 작곡한 이 발레극은, Ben Stevenson이 안무했다. Colorado Ballet의 Cinderella는 오는 19일 까지 Ellie Caulkins Opera House에서 공연될 예정이다.
    • 연예가소식
  • [Culture] Denver Mardi Gras: A Special Day at a Special Venue
    (Denver = Wongeol Jeong) Kevin Larson, a well-known event planner in Denver, Colorado, has been hosting his highly-anticipated annual Denver Mardi Gras celebration since 2003. The event has become one of the most popular Mardi Gras celebrations in the Denver area, with thousands of people attending each year to enjoy the festive atmosphere and colorful festivities. The Denver Mardi Gras event typically takes place on the Saturday before Fat Tuesday, and it features a wide variety of entertainment, including live music, dancing, and performances by local artists and entertainers. The event also includes a parade, which winds its way through the streets of downtown Denver, complete with colorful floats, costumed participants, and plenty of beads and other Mardi Gras-themed trinkets. Over the years, Kevin Larson has worked hard to make the Denver Mardi Gras event one of the most memorable and exciting Mardi Gras celebrations in the country. He has brought in top-notch performers, musicians, and artists to provide entertainment for the crowds, and he has worked closely with local businesses and organizations to create a truly authentic Mardi Gras experience. One of the things that sets the Denver Mardi Gras event apart from other Mardi Gras celebrations is the attention to detail that Kevin Larson and his team put into every aspect of the event. From the colorful decorations to the carefully curated food and drink menus, every element of the event is designed to transport attendees to the lively and vibrant streets of New Orleans during Mardi Gras season. Despite the challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic, Kevin Larson has continued to host the Denver Mardi Gras event in recent years, adapting the celebration to ensure that it remains safe and enjoyable for everyone involved. This has included implementing health and safety protocols, such as requiring masks and limiting capacity, as well as offering virtual options for those who prefer to celebrate from home. Overall, Kevin Larson's Denver Mardi Gras event is a beloved tradition in the Denver community, offering a fun and festive way to celebrate Mardi Gras with family and friends. Whether you're a long-time fan of the event or a first-time attendee, you're sure to enjoy the lively atmosphere, colorful costumes, and delicious food and drink options that make the Denver Mardi Gras celebration one of the best in the country.
    • 연예가소식
  • [Event] Glow your 'Mardi Gras 2023'~!
    Event: DenverMardiGras.com Date: February 25, 2023 Time: 7:00pm – 12:00pm Location: DoubleTree by Hilton Hotel Denver Tech Center 7801 E Orchard Rd, Greenwood Village, CO 80111 Join us for the ultimate Mardi Gras celebration in the Mile High City! DenverMardiGras is one of the largest Mardi Gras events in the United States outside of New Orleans, featuring live music, dancing, a parade, a costume contest, and much more. The event takes place at the DoubleTree by Hilton Hotel Denver Tech Center. Attendees are encouraged to dress up in flamboyant Mardi Gras attire, with prizes awarded for the best individual and group costumes. The parade is a highlight of the event, featuring colorful floats, music, and dancers. Live music and entertainment are also a major draw of the event, with a wide variety of musical acts playing throughout the night. Attendees can dance to the sounds of jazz, funk, and electronic music, and sample a variety of traditional Mardi Gras dishes and cocktails. Don't miss out on the most festive and vibrant celebration of Mardi Gras in Denver. Grab your friends and join us for an unforgettable night of revelry and fun!
    • 연예가소식
  • [Culture] 'Nu-World' 새로운 컨셉의 현대 무용
    (Arvada=Wongeol Jeong) Arvada Center에서 'Nu-World' 라는 이름의 현대 무용 공연이 열렸다. 이번 무대는 Christopher의 춤으로 막을 열었다. Christopher는 인간의 고뇌와 고통, 분노를 몸으로 표현했다. 이번 공연에는 공연 크리에이터, 무용수와 관객과의 대화가 주를 이뤘다. 이날 무대에는 크리에이터 Bashir Muhammad가 관객과의 대화를 나눴다. Bashir는 자신의 경험을 이야기했다. 지인의 죽음이라든가, 슬펐거나 화가 났던 경험들이었다. 그러한 모든 경험들이 안무를 짤때 어떤 식으로 표현되는가에 대한 내용들이었다. 이번 NU-World Contemporary Danse Theatre 공연은, Christopher Page-Sanders와 Bashir Muhammad Page-Sanders가 공동 감독했다.
    • 연예가소식
  • [Culture] LeakyCon 2022 Denver 'A busy Elf'
    (Denver=Wongeol Jeong) 지난 14일 부터 16일 까지, 3일간,Crowne Plaza Denver Airport Convention Center에서 LeakyCon 행사가 펼쳐졌다.
    • 연예가소식
  • [Culture] LeakyCon Denver 2022 began
    (Denver=Wongeol Jeong) 마법과 판타지, 미지의 세계에 대한 동경이 있다면 'LeakyCon 2022'를 지나칠 수 없을 것이다. 지난 14일 부터 16일 까지, 3일간,Crowne Plaza Denver Airport Convention Center에서 LeakyCon 행사가 펼쳐졌다. 이번 LeakyCon Denver 2022에는 많은 Vender들이 모여, Harry Potter와 마법에 관련한 많은 아이템들을 선보여 많은 팬들의 니즈를 충족시키기도 했다.
    • 연예가소식
비밀번호 :